Atsko Silicone Waterguard 300g
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Looking to keep your outdoor gear dry and ready for action? Look no further than Atsko Silicone Waterguard! This little ripper is here to give your shoes, boots, clothing and camping gear the ultimate waterproofing power.
Imagine this: you’re out in the great outdoors, rain’s coming down, but your gear remains dry. That’s all thanks to the silicone magic in this spray. Whether you're hiking, camping, or just tackling the everyday outdoors, the Atsko Silicone Waterguard is your trusty mate. With a quick spritz, your gear stands strong against rain.
Applying is a cinch. Just spray on your gear, let it dry for 24 hours and you’re good to go! This magic potion works wonders on materials like suede, leather, cotton, canvas, nylon, or any synthetic fabrics – it’s a real champ! It keeps your gear dry while letting the air flow through, preventing moisture buildup so you can stay comfy.
Sure, it might not turn your gear into a submarine, but it’s darn close. So, if you’re all about keeping your gear dry and durable, snag yourself some Atsko Silicone Waterguard.
Imagine this: you’re out in the great outdoors, rain’s coming down, but your gear remains dry. That’s all thanks to the silicone magic in this spray. Whether you're hiking, camping, or just tackling the everyday outdoors, the Atsko Silicone Waterguard is your trusty mate. With a quick spritz, your gear stands strong against rain.
Applying is a cinch. Just spray on your gear, let it dry for 24 hours and you’re good to go! This magic potion works wonders on materials like suede, leather, cotton, canvas, nylon, or any synthetic fabrics – it’s a real champ! It keeps your gear dry while letting the air flow through, preventing moisture buildup so you can stay comfy.
Sure, it might not turn your gear into a submarine, but it’s darn close. So, if you’re all about keeping your gear dry and durable, snag yourself some Atsko Silicone Waterguard.
- Formulated with silicone to turn your gear waterproof
- Keep your gears’ fabric breathable to avoid moisture buildup while making a barrier against water
- Versatile – can be applied on different types of fabrics like suede, leather, cotton, canvas, nylon or other synthetic fabrics
- Great tent waterproofing spray, keeps your shelter dry
- Repels water and stains safeguarding sleeping bags, clothing, footwear and other gear
- Quick and easy to apply with spray bottle
- Keeps you nice and dry on camping trips
Tech Spec
SUITABLE FABRICS | Suede, leather, cotton, canvas, nylon and other synthetic fabrics |
MATERIAL | 1/3 oz of Safe CO2, Contains no CFC, Contains no propane isobutane gas |
PACKED DIMENSIONS | L 6.5cm x W 6.5cm x H 20cm |
WEIGHT | 390g |
WARRANTY | 12 months |