Ugly Stik Gold II Spinning Rod 6ft 6in 8 - 15kg 2 Piece
Size 6ft 6in
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Talk to any fisho and they’ll have a story of a fish landed using an Ugly Stik. Already loved by countless anglers across the country, the Ugly Stik Gold II spinning rods have all the bells and whistles you’d expect to take your fishing to the next level – plus more! The range has been exclusively designed with the Ugly Stik triple-build Howald process, resulting in a super strong rod that is incredibly sensitive. In other words, this rod design will help detect the smallest of bites through the rod tip, with enough strength to land any trophy fish.
The Ugly Stik Gold II comes equipped with high quality Fuji guides and reel seats, making it a great rod choice at an affordable price point. And with a 10 year manufacturers warranty, these rods will last you a lifetime. If you’re looking for a great all-rounder spinning rod that won’t break the bank, the Gold II range has you covered!
- Exclusive Fuji black polished stainless steel frame
- Fuji DPS graphite seat
- Equipped with Fuji New Concept Guide specifically designed to give you tangle free fishing
- Parallel glass fibres infused with resin for a strong yet sensitive rod
- Made to the Ugly Stik Howald process featuring triple built construction around internal spiral fibre
- Exclusive Fuji black polished stainless steel frame