Braided Fishing Line
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Braid Line
Braid fishing line is the ideal option for maximum strength and minimal stretch which translates to heightened sensitivity for anglers. Offering a much longer reel life (if spooled and maintained properly), braid line is great for battling aggressive fish, however, you may need a leader line as braid can be visible in the water which will spook many fish away from your bait or lure. Line spooling is also a service offered in all BCF stores, and is free with the purchase of any rod, combo or packaged line. For further details on in-store spooling, click here
What is braided line good for?
There are two major factors that have seen braid line become such a popular choice among beginners and experienced anglers alike: improved casting distance and minimal stretch. Braided line is made of synthetic materials that offer superior strength while maintaining a small diameter that can fly and cut through water more easily than its monofilament counterpart. Difficult to break and performing well in structure, braid line has an extensive reel life if spooled properly and maintained well. If you've recently purchase new line and need it spooled to your reel, head into your local BCF store to take advantage of our line spooling service (only available at limited stores – call ahead to check your local BCF).
How long does braid line last?
As all fishing lines do, braided line will go bad over time even if you've never taken it out of the packaging. However, for fishing line that is in use, there are several factors that determine its shelf life. Extreme heat and prolonged exposure to sunlight can be very detrimental to your line strength and durability. For unused and unopened line, the line memory may cause it to take on the shape of its packaging leading to a higher chance of backlash, wind knots and a bird's nest. The good news is that braid lines will last the longest out of all line types, typically having a shelf life of eight to ten years.
Can fish really see braided fishing line?
A lot of people tend to avoid braid line because of its visibility in the water, however, each colour presents differently depending on the clarity of the water you're fishing in. While a green line is going to be noticeable in clearer water, it may not be so visible in murkier conditions. The opposite can be side of white and blue lines. If you don't want to always be thinking about what colour line you need, a fluorocarbon or monofilament leader can help limit your presentation's visibility.
How many strands is best for braided fishing line?
Braided fishing line is made from polyethylene extruded as microfibres which are formed into strands. The most common compositions are four, six and eight strand braid where the higher the number, the more compact the line is, though each has its own benefit. On the lower end of the scale, four-strand braid line offers maximum strength and abrasion resistance while eight-strand line is smooth and casts further.
To learn more about the best fishing line for your needs, read more in our Fishing Line Buyers Guide.