Fishing is a pastime that people right around the globe have embraced! Not only does it help with sourcing tomorrow night’s dinner, but it also makes for an epic way to explore the great outdoors. While many fishos will tell you “it’s a piece of cake”, the truth is there’s a bit of preparation involved before you become the next ‘Tim the Bream’. Getting your hands on the correct fishing gear will play a huge role in the success of your fishing mission, and one of the easiest ways to get you onto the fish quicker is with the help of a spinning combo.
What is a spinning combo?
Most commonly referred to as a ‘combo’ these rod and reel packages are matched perfectly together to suit a specific style of fishing. Often a spinning combo is considered as the perfect entry level setup, but in truth they could be used by anyone from a fishing guru to a first-time flicker. The biggest bonus to buying a combo is that it takes all the guesswork out of trying to put together the perfect rod and reel… heck, some even come pre-spooled with fishing line!

Why choose a spinning combo?
Fishing rods and reels come in a swag of different types, and you can be sure that combos are just as varied. Rod lengths, line ratings, weights, and sizes… where does one begin?! Spinning combos are without doubt the most popular type on the market, which is why we thought it would be a good idea to run you through some of the reasons why these little beauties are such a choice pick.
- Jack of all trades – One thing that many fishos come to love about a spinning combo is their diversity! It doesn’t matter what conditions mother nature throws at you. Howling winds, fishing at night, casting ultra-light baits and lures. A spinning combo can handle it all and much, much more.
- Easy drag adjustments – When you’re hooked up to that fish of a lifetime, the last thing you need is to be playing with a difficult drag. Spinning reels have been designed with a drag knob front and centre, making it easy to make minor tweaks when you’re in the heat of battle.
- Childs play – One of main reasons why spinning combos are so popular is their ease of use. You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to use a spinning combo, there’s even a selection for the little tackers so the whole family can get in on the action.
- Lefty loosie, righty tightie – Many things in life have been designed with right handers in mind, lucky spinning combos aren’t one of them. It doesn’t matter if you’re left or right-handed, on most spinning combos the handle can be swapped from side to side, making it possible to take your pick.
- It doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg – Another great reason to choose a spinning combo is the price. They are relatively inexpensive and make an affordable way to get stuck into some fishing action.
Do spinning combos come in different lengths?
Choosing the correct rod length is crucial for the success of your fishing mission, and while they come in a diverse range of sizes it doesn’t mean one combo can do it all. From the longest of surf combos, these gentle giants go all the way up to 12 foot and are ideal for getting you over the breakers and into some solid beach fishing action. If heading out on the big blue to chase some monsters of the deep sounds more your thing, the short sticks reign supreme. 5’6” to 6’ are great for bottom bashing as they give you greater contact with your bait below.
If wetting a line with the little tackers is on the cards, there’s plenty on offer here too. If the setup is too heavy or too long, you’re in for a world of hurt, so pick something they can manage themselves. Kids combos are an absolute ripper and with some models coming in at under 4 foot they are extremely manageable for the little ones. For general use you’ll be looking for a rod between 6’6” and 7’. these beauties make long distance casts a breeze but will handle snag bashing and accurate casting just as well. The perfect option for your river and estuary fishing, so the fish better watch out.
Do spinning combos come in different weight ratings?
This is where target species really gets the spotlight! In order to pick a spinning combo with the correct weight rating it’s good to have some idea of what you’re chasing. That 2-4kg setup is going to be perfect for giving the bream population a touch up but will be drastically under gunned for chasing big bad barry (barramundi). A good rule of thumb is to choose something around the 2-4kg mark for your common bread and butter species (bream, whiting, flathead) with the likes of trevally and Australian bass thrown in for good measure. 3-5kg rods will give you just that little bit extra pulling power and make tangling with midsized fish species like queenfish, grunter, mangrove jack and saratoga more manageable.
If that fish of a lifetime is what you’re after a 4-8kg setup will have you in the money. Barramundi, threadfin salmon, jewfish and Murray cod are all fair game with one of these bad boys. This is just a taste test! With many more weight ratings to choose from, so head into your local BCF for a geez. Each will come matched with a fishing reel equally capable of the task at hand. The only piece left missing from the puzzle is you.
Graphite vs Fibreglass
There are 2 materials most commonly used in the construction of fishing rods! Both fibreglass and graphite rods are equally up to the task of landing those trophy fish, but each has a specific action and an individual style.
- Fibreglass – Fibreglass rods are tough as nails and are well and truly built to last, they have a slow action which is perfect for sinking baits. If you’re an entry level fisho or prone to roughing up your gear a spinning combo that incorporates a fibreglass rod is pretty hard to beat.
- Graphite – Graphite rods are the number 1 pick for the lure flickers out there. They are light as a feather but strong as an ox. The crisp action you get with a graphite stick helps to impart action into your lures. If you want to kick your fishing game up a notch, a spinning combo that incorporates a graphite rod is the bees knees.
So, there you have it! Hopefully this buyers guide has helped point you in the right direction for choosing a spinning combo. Skies the limit when it comes to fishing, and there’s plenty to learn. Feel free to head into your local BCF store and have a yarn with the fishing team, they’ll have you ready to hit the water in no time.