Selecting the right towable is essential for a fun day out on the water. Whether it's a wakeboard, kneeboard, tube or a set of ski’s then you need to make sure that it’s going to fit all of the people that will be using it. The tow rope also needs to be looked at closely, if you are towing a single skier then you will need a 1 person rope but if you are towing a 3 person ski tube you will need a 3 person rope.
If you are using a bridle around your outboard make sure you are using the appropriate shackles and that they are the correct load rating. A bungee rope can also be used if you are towing a beginner as it will help to get them up out of the water quicker. With the right towing accessories you can have more fun and be safer out on the water.
Finally, make sure that the skier is always wearing the appropriate PFD and you have a spotter on board at all times. Make sure to check your local state regulations for requirements before hitting the water.